Ken Frost

Ken Frost Appointed to the CanKor Brain Trust of North Korea Experts

Phoenix Commercial Ventures Ltd and Daedong Credit Bank are proud to announce that Ken Frost, board member of Phoenix Commercial Ventures and Daedong Credit Bank, has been appointed to the CanKor Brain Trust of North Korea Experts. Nigel Cowie, CEO of Daedong Credit Bank and Phoenix Commercial Ventures Ltd, is also a member of the Brain Trust.

CanKor is proud of the intellectual stimulus provided by its growing Brain Trust of North Korea experts who contribute a wide variety of viewpoints, perspectives, information, resources, links and papers of their own to expand CanKor’s scope and calibre.

Based in London, UK, Ken is a chartered accountant with over twenty years international experience of FMCG industries, consumer electronics, rough diamond distribution and the Internet. He has worked at KPMG, Philips Electronics, De Beers and runs his own Internet company. He is also on the board of Daedong Credit Bank, a member of Gerson Lehrman Group Councils and an Advisor with Guidepoint Global. In January 2011 Accountancy Age placed him on their Financial Power List for 2011. This list identifies the top 50 who will wield the most influence over the future direction of accounting Ken comments:

“As a business, we leave politics to the politicians. However, I would like to say I have always admired CanKor’s openness in giving voice to opinions reasonably expressed from all points of view.

We run a number of businesses, which are governed by strict compliance procedures and a published code of conduct. Our businesses employ an increasingly large number of local people in manufacturing, the service industry and the financial services sector. Indeed Hana Electronics JVC employs 230 people, as such it recognises and takes its responsibilities as an employer very seriously.

Business enterprises such as ours provide a much needed bridge for better communication and understanding between the international community and the DPRK. Foreign investment conducted according to internationally accepted best practices of good governance has a positive impact on relations between the DPRK and international community, and augurs well for the peaceful development of the Korean Peninsula.”

The Boards of Phoenix Commercial Ventures Ltd and Daedong Credit Bank would like to congratulate Ken on his appointment.

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